
Founder’s Forum: Vote Nov. 5: The Choice is Yours!

JB Lester The Healthy Planet St. Louis

By JB Lester

I could start this column by saying something patriotic like “Vote For Democracy and the Rule Of Law” in November. I could say we can’t vote for a convicted felon, but some of you have already decided how you will vote.

I would simply suggest you vote for what is best for you and your family, despite your party or your anger. Let’s look at the facts: the economy is actually getting better, employment is high, wages are up, inflation is down, gas prices are down, and the stock market is up, up, up. So no matter what one side tries to spin, the economy is doing pretty good. And then there is the cost of daycare for everyone in all political parties. The Republicans have always voted against raising child tax credits. They also want to cut, cut, cut Medicaid which helps some kids get medical care that they can’t get otherwise. If you are paying high prices for child care, you need to vote for those who are dedicated to helping you, the Democrats. Vote your pocketbook.

Let’s look at reproductive rights. The vast majority of the country favors a woman’s right to choose. The Republicans don’t want government in your life until it comes to reproductive rights, and then many want a national ban on abortion. That is not only hypocritical, but the very definition of government interference. Trump stacked the deck with Supreme Court Justices that misled lawmakers when they were interviewed before being confirmed. They said they did not favor overturning Roe vs. Wade, and yet they did. How can we trust Supreme Court Justices that misrepresent the truth in their job interview — specially on such an important and personal issue.

The price of housing has skyrocketed and there is no help in sight. Kamala Harris at least is talking about a plan to help first time homebuyers and putting some control on rental rates and housing.

I know securing our borders is a big issue with many Americans. Republicans and Democrats alike have not found an answer for decades. That is until the most recent bipartisan plan for the border was upended by Trump because he did not want to see a Biden plan succeed before the election.

Locally, Josh Hawley stood with the January 6 rioters and Trump. He is NOT in favor or a woman’s right to choose. He won’t support common sense gun laws.

Lt. Col. Lucas Kunce favors a woman’s right to choose, common sense gun laws, and was trained with border police on the southern border. He actually knows what it might take, or at least has more insight than Hawley.

If you feel climate change is a big issue, which it is, then again the choice is clear. Democrats favor expanding renewables and Republicans favor expanding fossil fuels.

Healthcare is a right and not a privilege say the Democrats. Republicans want to privatize health care and go back to a time when insurance companies could reject you due to preexisting health conditions or you would have to pay unaffordable premiums.

When you look at the facts, vote for what makes you and your family happier, safer, and more financially secure. Don’t believe all the scare tactics. I think the choice is clear, but you will have to decide that for yourself. Just make sure you vote on November 5. The choice is yours!